Amateur Astronomy in Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes Deaf Astronomical Society aims to provide a forum for the discussion
throughout the years, we have helped many to gain and grow an interest in Astronomy.
Saturday 21st February 2004 – Workshop – Guide to the constellations
Saturday 21st February 2004 – 7pm
Workshop – Guide to the constellations
- How to identify the Night Sky and guide to the constellations.
o - Meet us at Emberton County Park, Emberton, near Olney, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
Saturday 20th March 2004 – Messier Marathon
Saturday 20th March 2004 – 7pm
Messier Marathon

Wikimedia: Charles Messier, French astronomers (left) published an astronomical catalogue consisting of 100 bright dep sky objects which came to be known as the Messier Objects, referred to with the letter M and their number between 1 and 110.
- Messier objects are bright deep sky objects catalogued by the French astronomers, Charles Messier in the 18th century.
o - Tonight observing as many Messier Marathon as possible in a single night from sunset to sunrise.
o - Meet us at 7pm at Emberton County Park, Emberton, near Olney, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
Tuesday 4th May 2004 – 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse
Tuesday 4th May 2004 – 7pm
2004 Total Lunar Eclipse

Time-lapse of a lunar Eclipse.
- A total lunar eclipse took place on Tuesday 4 May 2004, the first of two total lunar eclipses in 2004, the second being on 28 October 2004.
o - The maximum eclipse at 21:30pm, Eclipse began at 18:52pm till the eclipse ended at 00:08am on 5th May.
o - Meet us at 8pm at Emberton County Park, Emberton, near Olney, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
Tuesday 8th June 2004 – 5am
2004 Transit of Venus

The path of Venus
across the Sun
- You will be able to witness an astronomical event no living person has seen, a transit of Venus.
o - This happens when the planet moves directly between the Earth and the Sun.
o - This will only be the sixth such event since the invention of the telescope – the most recent occurred in 1882.
o - Meet us at 5am in the morning at Emberton County Park, Emberton, near Olney, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
Friday 10th till Sunday 12th September 2004

- Running Trip to the Sky Camp at Kelling Heath, Holt, Norfolk with British Deaf Astronomical Association.
o - Venue: Kelling Heath, Weybourne, Holt, North Norfolk, NR25 7HW. (map)
Wednesday 27th October 2004 – 7pm
2004 Total Lunar Eclipse

The Moon’s path through the Earth’s shadow.
- A total lunar eclipse took place on Thursday 28 October 2004, the second of two total lunar eclipses in 2004, the first being on 4 May 2004.
o - Meet us at 10pm at Emberton County Park, Emberton, near Olney, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
(No chance to see the Total Lunar Eclipse
as the weather were full cloudy all the night.)
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MK Deaf Astronomical Society

MKDAS Observatory
Public Open Evenings
Everyone is welcome!
The MKDAS Observatory is located at
Emberton County Park, Emberton, near Olney,
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
Find us on the A509 and meet us at the reception – 7pm.
Please text us if you are coming on
British Deaf Astronomical Association at North Norfolk (Friday 10th till Sunday 12th September 2004)
British Deaf Astronomical Association at North Norfolk (Friday 10th till Sunday 12th September 2004)
MKDAS is running trip to merge with BDAA to learn exchange the experience and observing the night skies for the weekend.

A star party is a gathering of amateur astronomers for purpose of observing objects and events in the sky.

Dark location skies to observing the super milky way.

Meeting the point for the raffles prizes, unfortunately one of us have not win a brand new telescope.

Venus in broad daylight
Venus was visible in broad daylight between the Sun glazed and the Moon – three month ago some of us witnessed the Venus was in the front of the Sun (Transit of Venus occurred on 8th June 2004), and now the Venus is running away from the Sun.

Unbelievable, Only me and Percy saw this happened,
all others were in bed or inside their stay.
On Tuesday 14th September 2004, there was a MASSIVE EXPLOSION in white/green flashing light all over the field then I looked up at the sky that I saw a massive strike meteor and the light of strike faded left the massive smoking marked as it called train, it become floated moving into the shape of S above the atmosphere. The marked smoke was stayed for about FOUR MINUTES before it’s faded away.
The number of clear skies were 6 nights during the staying between Wednesday 8th and Wednesday 15th September 2004, we spotted so many deep sky objects and rich milk-way displayed too.
Transit of Venus (Tuesday 7th June 2004)
Transit of Venus (Tuesday 8th June 2004)
Arrived the Emberton Park County to set up for seeing the beginning of the Transit, this event went on for 6 hours from 06:19am till 12:23 transit ended.

A prepared note for Transit of Venus
We spotted the early before to set up, we used a pair of binocular to glimpse of a comet (Neat C/2001 Q4) in the constellation of Ursa Major before the twilight arrived, and caught five times of meteor shooting.
At 05.40am, Put some solar filter onto Derek’s Vixen 11×80 binocular to see just a white plain sun in the early morning that we don’t see any transit of Venus yet until 06:19am.
Saw the Venus enters the front of the Sun till around 06:38 to witness a “black drop” which it was amazing to be seen.

Wilipedia: 2004 Venus Transit
Fact about Transit of Venus
Rarity, there was no-one alive who witnessed the 1882 transit, but all of their photographs of such events date from that time – today the transit on 8th June 2004, was a fully visible from across Europe and North America.
Venus Transit occurs in pair 8 years apart;
- 1631 (7th December) & 1639 (4th December)
- 1761 (6th June) & 1769 (3rd June)
- 1874 (9th December) & 1882 (6th December)
- 2004 (8th June) & 2012 (5th June)
- 2117 (11th December) & 2125 (8th December)

Recorded as witnessed during the Transit
At 12 noon, the black dot near the end edge of the Sun, it looks like A4 punched 2 holes paper, and the black drop effect appeared again at 12:04pm – see below.

Diagram drawing of an example of Black Drop effect.
Rather interested to see more the effect shape at around 12:19pm – it showed more refraction of light and heat through the thick Venus’ atmosphere.
A complete ended at 12:23pm, we found it unique experience to see like that in our life time.
Total Lunar Eclipse (Tuesday 4th May 2004)
Total Lunar Eclipse (Tuesday 4th May 2004)
The Moon had risen at the sunset on Tuesday evening with a total eclipse of the Moon already underway, and it’s rained.
At 8.52pm, the Moon was fully eclipse in umbra inside the Earth’s shadow, we had terrible horizon to the southwest by some rain-clouds to see the total phase of the eclipse.
The weather was improved to become clear skies that we saw the Total Lunar Eclipse at 21.55pm, the Moon was displayed in reddish and the lower in pink/orange with a white dot star below the Moon and that star was occulted by the Moon and disappeared at 21.59pm.

A note showed what we saw the eclipsed.
All whole eclipse from 21.55pm after the clear skies till 23.08pm, the clouds was backed which gave us to see and appreciated with our naked-eye and used 10×80 binocular which gave us some superb view!
Messier Marathon (Saturday 20th March 2004)
Messier Marathon (Saturday 20th March 2004)
Messier Marathon had to be cancelled due the bad weather. (High wind blowing & the ground were too wet & soft.)
Opening this season (Saturday 21st February 2004)
Opening this season (Saturday 21st February 2004)

Bell & Bear – The local Emberton pub
MKDAS is opening this season, they met up at the Bell & Bear pub in Emberton instead go to Emberton County Park due the weather permission which was full clouds. Socialising & learning to understand how to identify the night sky.
Report & photos
- British Deaf Astronomical Association at North Norfolk (Friday 10th till Sunday 12th September 2004)
- Transit of Venus (Tuesday 7th June 2004)
- Total Lunar Eclipse (Tuesday 4th May 2004)
- Opening this season (Saturday 21st February 2004)
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