2030 Venus Events

06 Jan 203013:12 GMTVenus at inferior solar conjunctionSagittarius
22 Jan 203001:36 GMTVenus at perihelionSagittarius
22 Jan 203022:13 GMTConjunction of Venus and MercurySagittarius
31 Jan 203003:09 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
07 Feb 203003:30 GMTVenus at greatest brightnessSagittarius
28 Feb 203013:30 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
28 Feb 203014:11 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
07 Mar 2030Venus at highest altitude in morning skyCapricornus
18 Mar 203012:42 GMTVenus at greatest elongation westCapricornus
18 Mar 203018:28 GMTVenus at dichotomyCapricornus
21 Mar 203006:26 GMTConjunction of Venus and PlutoCapricornus
29 Mar 203022:23 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusCapricornus
30 Mar 203001:16 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusCapricornus
29 Apr 203001:17 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusPisces
12 May 203021:43 GMTConjunction of Venus and NeptunePisces
13 May 203000:13 GMTClose approach of Venus and NeptunePisces
14 May 203016:41 GMTVenus at aphelionPisces
26 May 203017:42 GMTConjunction of Venus and CeresCetus
28 May 203003:28 GMTConjunction of Venus and ErisCetus
29 May 203002:49 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusPisces
25 Jun 203000:39 GMTClose approach of Venus and SaturnTaurus
25 Jun 203002:14 GMTConjunction of Venus and SaturnTaurus
28 Jun 203005:51 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusTaurus
28 Jun 203006:12 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusTaurus
09 Jul 203012:35 GMTConjunction of Venus and UranusTaurus
28 Jul 203014:09 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusGemini
06 Aug 203001:07 GMTConjunction of Venus and MarsGemini
28 Aug 203000:06 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusLeo
04 Sep 203003:12 GMTVenus at perihelionLeo
20 Oct 203012:44 GMTVenus at superior solar conjunctionVirgo
10 Dec 203000:09 GMTConjunction of Venus and MercurySagittarius
25 Dec 203001:49 GMTVenus at aphelionSagittarius
25 Dec 203022:21 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
Source to In-the-Sky.org (Dominic Ford)



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