Abbreviation: Aqr |
English Name: The Water Bearer |
Genitive: Sadalmelik |
Hemisphere: Northern / Southern Hemisphere (bold means the more area in square feet in the Southern Hemisphere.) |
Location: Between the constellations of Pisces and Capricorn. |
Visible between latitudes: +65 and -90 degrees |
Best season: Autumn |
Seen in three seasons: Summer, Autumn and Winter |
Best seen in: October (map) |
Seen between: September and November |
Right Ascension (RA): 23 hour |
Declination (DEC): -15 degrees |
Area (square degrees): 980 (10th) |
Aquarius (The Water Bearer)
- A constellation of the zodiac (ecliptic), the Sun passing through it from 16th February to 11th March every year.
- The well-known constellation represents a figure pouring water from a jar.
- There are two important planetary nebulae; The Saturn Nebula and The Helix Nebula, also contains two globular clusters; Messier 2 and Messier 72.
Messier Objects in Aquarius
M2 – a globular cluster, just too faint to be seen with the naked-eye in dark conditions, but easy to see with binoculars or a small telescope. |
M72 – Satellite galaxy of The Andromeda Galaxy (Elliptical Galaxy). |
M73 – asterism of four stars. |
Other objects in Aquarius
Select Catalog | No of Objects |
Barnard (B) | 0x object |
Caldwell (C) | 2x objects |
Collinder (Cr) | 1x object |
New General Catalogue (NGC) | 142x objects |
Index Catalogue (IC) | 123x objects |
Sharpless (Sh2) | 0x object |
Features of Interest
- NGC7009 – The Saturn Nebula; a planetary Nebula – when seen through a telescope with an aperture of 200mm/8-inch or more, it appears to have an external body part that resembles the rings of Saturn.
- NGC7293 – The Helix Nebula; possibly the closest planetary nebula to Earth – only 300 light years away.
Named Stars
- Sadalmelik (Alpha Aqr)
- Sadalsuud (Beta Aqr)
- Sadalachbia (Gamma Aqr)
- Skat (Delta Aqr)
- Albali (Epsilon Aqr)
- Ancha (Theta Aqr)
- Situla (Kappa Aqr)
- more lists of stars in Aquarius
Planetarium / Constellation Map
Live constellation visible from the UK :- Planetarium (Aquarius) | Best Seen in: October (map) | Seen between: September and November |
IAU Sky Chart: Aquarius

Constellations – Visible from the UK
Parts visible from the UK
Antlia | Columba | Eridanus | Fornax | Microscopium | ||
Piscis Austrinus | Puppis | Pyxis | Sagittarius | Scorpius | ||
Sculptor |
Constellations: Southern Celestial Hemisphere
…..– never seen from the UK
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