Maria on the Moon
This is a list of Maria (singular mare) on the Moon, also includes the one Oceanus
and the features known by the name Lacus, Palus and Sinus.
Latin Name / English Name / Latitude Longitude / Diameter km / miles / map (from USGS)
- Mare Anguis – Serpent Sea / 22.6° N 67.7° E / 150 km / 94 miles / map
- Mare Australe – Southern Sea / 38.9° S 93.0° E / 603 km / 377 miles / map
- Mare Cognitum – Sea that has become known / 10.0° S 23.1° W / 376 km / 235 / map
- Mare Crisium – Sea of Crisis / 17.0° N 59.1° E / 418 km / 261 miles / map
- Mare Fecunditatis – Sea of Fecundity / 7.8° S 51.3° E / 909 km / 569 miles / map
- Mare Frigoris – Sea of Cold / 56.0° N 1.4° E 1596 km / 998 miles / map
- Mare Humboldtianum – Sea of Alexander von Humboldt / 56.8° N 81.5° E / 273 km / 171 miles / map
- Mare Humorum – Sea of Moisture / 24.4° S 38.6° W / 389 km / 243 miles / map
- Mare Imbrium – Sea of Showers / 32.8° N 15.6° W / 1123 km / 702 miles / map
- Mare Ingenii – Sea of Cleverness / 33.7° S 163.5° E / 318 km / 199 miles / map
- Mare Insularum – Sea of Islands / 7.5° N 30.9° W / 513 km / 321 miles / map
- Mare Marginis – Sea of the Edge / 13.3° N 86.1° E / 420 km / 263 miles / map
- Mare Moscoviense – Sea of Muscovy / 27.3° N 147.9° E / 277 km / 173 miles / map
- Mare Nectaris – Sea of Nectar / 15.2° S 35.5° E / 333 km / 208 miles / map
- Mare Nubium – Sea of Clouds / 21.3° S 16.6° W / 715 km / 447 miles / map
- Mare Orientale – Eastern Sea / 19.4° S 92.8° W / 327 km / 204 miles / map
- Mare Serenitatis – Sea of Serenity / 28.0° N 17.5° E / 707 km / 442 miles / map
- Mare Smythii – Sea of William / Henry Smyth 1.3° N 87.5° E / 373 km / 233 miles / map
- Mare Spumans – Foaming Sea / 1.1° N 65.1° E / 139 km / 87 miles / map
- Mare Tranquillitatis – Sea of Tranquility / 8.5° N 31.4° E / 873 km / 546 miles / map
- Mare Undarum – Sea of Waves / 6.8° N 68.4° E / 243 km / 152 miles / map
- Mare Vaporum – Sea of Vapors / 13.3° N 3.6° E / 245 km / 153 miles / map
0 - Oceanus Procellarum – Ocean of Storms / 18.4° N 57.4° W / 2568 km / 1,605 miles / map
Moon Map – Lists of features
The Moon’s surface is covered in many interesting geological features,
in addition to mountains, valleys and craters.
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