2024 Autumn Equinox Sky Camp

- Above the image by Derek Rowley, BDAA; Robin captured .Messier 42 (or M42 for short) also known as Messier 42 in the constellation of Orion, is the nearest star-forming region to Earth.
- Messier 42
- The Loughton AS Autumn Equinox Sky Camp is the largest star party in the United Kingdom.
L - where hundreds of amateur astronomers meet up for a week or weekend of dark sky observing at Kelling Heath on the North Norfolk coast.
L - When booking, for the week or weekend, tell Derek you are attending Sky Camp to get the special reduced rate for deaf amateur astronomers’ group pitches for observing.
Contact Derek Rowley
text / videocall: 07845319228
email: derek@derekscope-co-uk