Constellations visible from the UK
If you need to know exactly when a constellation is visible,
check in live constellation visible from the UK.
Full list of
Abbreviations & Constellation Names
- Constellations – Visible from the UK
- Parts visible from the UK
- Constellations: Southern Hemisphere – never can be seen from the UK
- Constellations – Sorted by Month for the UK Observer
- Alphabetical listing of
…..– 88 recognised Constellations (Quick Lists)
…..– Northern Celestial Hemisphere
…..– Celestial Equator (Both Northern & Southern Hemisphere)
…..– Southern Celestial Hemisphere - Constellation map – print or download free star charts
(To view all the Lists of Constellation’s Deep Sky Objects from In-The-Sky website by Dominic Ford)
Constellations – Visible from the UK
Constellations – Visible from the UK

Parts visible from the UK
Parts visible from the UK

Antlia | Columba | Eridanus | Fornax | Microscopium | ||
Piscis Austrinus | Puppis | Pyxis | Sagittarius | Scorpius | ||
Sculptor |
Constellations: Southern Celestial Hemisphere
– never seen from the UK
Constellations: Southern Celestial Hemisphere – never seen from the UK

Apus | Ara | Caelum | Carina | Centaurus | Chameleon |
Corona Australis | Crux | Dorado | Grus | Horologium | Hydrus |
Indus | Mensa | Octans | Pavo | Phoenix | Pictor |
Reticulum | Telescopium | Triangulum Australe | Tucana | Vela | Volans |
. |
Constellations – Sorted by Month for the UK Observer
Constellations – Sorted by Month for the UK Observer

This is a list of constellations for the Observer from the UK, split up into the months when they are best seen in the sky when you are looking at the “south” sky (180°) at between 21:00/9pm and 23:00/11pm.
Alphabetical listing of 88 recognised Constellations (Quick Lists)
Alphabetical listing of 88 recognised Constellations (Quick Lists)
There are 88 recognised constellations covering in the whole of the celestial sphere;
Northern Celestial Constellations (29x)
Celestial Equator (Both Northern & Southern hemisphere) (15x)
Southern Celestial Constellations (45x)
Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern; Northern Celestial Hemisphere
Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern;
Northern Celestial Hemisphere

Canes Venatici (CVn) / (The Hunting Dog)

Canis Minor (CMi) / (The Little Dog)

Cassiopeia (Cas) / (The Cassiopeia Queen)

Cephus (Cep) / (The King)

Coma Berenices (Com) / (The Bernice’s Hair)

Corona Borealis (CrB) / (The Crown)
Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern; Celestial Equator (Both Northern & Southern Hemisphere)
Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern;
Celestial Equator (Both Northern & Southern Hemisphere)

Pisces (Psc) / The Fishes)

Serpens Caput (Ser) / (The Snake’s Head)

Serpens Cauda (Ser) / (The Snake’s Tail)
Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern; Southern Celestial Constellations
Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern;
Southern Celestial Constellations

Circinus (Cir) / (The Drawing Compass)

Columba (Col) / (The Dove)

Corona Australis (CrA) / The Southern Cross)

Phoenix (Phe) / The Hero)

Pictor (Pic) / (The Painter’s Easel)

Piscis Austrinus (PsA)/(Southern Fish)

Scutum (Sct) / (The Shield)

Telescopium (Tel) / (Telescope)

Triangulum Australe (TrA) / (Southern Triangle)
Constellations List
- Constellations – Visible from the UK
- Parts visible from the UK
- Constellations: Southern Celestial Hemisphere- never seen from the UK
- Constellations – Sorted by Month for the UK Observer
- Alphabetical listing of 88 recognised Constellations (Quick Lists)
- Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern; Northern Celestial Hemisphere
- Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern; Celestial Equator (Both Northern & Southern Hemisphere)
- Groups of stars that form recognisable pattern; Southern Celestial Constellations
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