Abbreviation: Vel |
English Name: The Sails |
Genitive: Suhail al Muhif |
Hemisphere: Southern Hemisphere (Never visible from the UK.) |
Location: Between the constellations of Antlia and Carina. |
Visible between latitudes: +30 and -90 degrees |
Best season: Spring |
Seen in three seasons: Winter, Spring and Summer |
Best seen in: During the middle of March |
Seen between: February to April |
Right Ascension (RA): 09 hour |
Declination (DEC): -50 degrees |
Area (square degrees): 500 (32nd) |
Vela (The Sails)
- It was originally part of a larger constellation, which was later divided into three parts, the others being Carina (The Keel), Puppis (The Stern), and Pyxis (The Compass), once formed part of a huge group of stars in the southern skies known as Argos Navis.
Messier Objects in Vela
No Messier objects in Vela. |
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More objects in Vela
Select Catalog | No of Objects |
Barnard (B) | 0x object |
Caldwell (C) | 3x objects |
Collinder (Cr) | 0x object |
New General Catalogue (NGC) | 36x objects |
Index Catalogue (IC) | 5x objects |
Sharpless (Sh2) | 0x object |
Features of Interest
- NGC 2547 – Open Cluster; 80 stars, detected weak concentration of stars range in brightness, large and bright, pretty sprinkling of bright blue stars – involved in nebulosity. (Likely – Seven Sisters in Taurus.) Visible with binocular or a small telescope.
o - IC 2391 – Open Cluster; also known as Caldwell 85 (C85), very bright containing about 30 stars – visible to the naked-eye and an ideal object for binocular observation.
o - IC 2395 – Open Cluster; fine cluster of around 16 stars, best observed with 3 or 4-inch telescopes, but well seen in binoculars.
o - NGC 2626 – Reflection Nebula – pretty bright & large, unusually but very interesting to see roundish nebulae.
o - NGC 3201 – Globular Cluster; fairly loose and slightly irregular in outline, very small and very bright nucleus. Well resolved with 4-inch telescopes.
o - NGC 3132 – Planetary Nebula; also known as Caldwell 74 (C74) or the Eight Burst Nebula, a very bright and rounded disc visible with a small telescope – may reveal the magnitude +10.0 star at its centre. Sometimes it is considered the southern version of Lyra’s Ring Nebula (M57). (Magnitude: +8.2)
Named Stars
- Suhail al Muhlif (Gamma 2 Vel)
- Alsuhail (Lambda Vel)
- more list of stars in Vela.
IAU Sky Chart: Vela

Constellations: Southern Celestial Hemisphere
– never seen from the UK
Apus | Ara | Caelum | Carina | Centaurus | Chameleon |
Corona Australis | Crux | Dorado | Grus | Horologium | Hydrus |
Indus | Mensa | Octans | Pavo | Phoenix | Pictor |
Reticulum | Telescopium | Triangulum Australe | Tucana | Vela | Volans |
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