2025 Mars Events

(Photo from NASA/ESA)

Observing Mars

  • Mars is often called the ‘Red Planet’.
  • the planet’s appearance is due to rust in the Martian rocks.
  • Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.
  • although summers near the equator can be quite warm, the average temperature is 63 degrees Celsius below zero – similar to winters in Antarctica.
  • the nights are also bitterly cold.
(Source by The Sky Live)

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2025 Mars Events

12 Jan 202513:32 GMTMars at perigeeCancer
14 Jan 202503:42 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsGemini
14 Jan 202503:48 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsGemini
14 Jan 202503:48 GMTLunar occultation of MarsGemini
16 Jan 202502:32 GMTMars at oppositionGemini
09 Feb 202519:35 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsGemini
09 Feb 202519:49 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsGemini
09 Feb 202519:49 GMTLunar occultation of MarsGemini
24 Feb 202502:02 GMTMars ends retrograde motionGemini
09 Mar 202500:27 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsGemini
09 Mar 202500:57 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsGemini
05 Apr 202520:04 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsGemini
05 Apr 202520:59 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsGemini
16 Apr 202521:38 GMTMars at aphelionCancer
04 May 202500:12 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsCancer
04 May 202501:26 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsCancer
05 May 202514:44 GMTClose approach of Mars and M44Cancer
01 Jun 202510:48 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsLeo
01 Jun 202511:52 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsLeo
30 Jun 202502:04 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsLeo
30 Jun 202502:16 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsLeo
30 Jun 202502:16 GMTLunar occultation of MarsLeo
28 Jul 202519:30 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsVirgo
28 Jul 202520:45 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsVirgo
26 Aug 202514:59 GMTClose approach of the Moon and MarsVirgo
26 Aug 202517:41 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsVirgo
24 Sep 202515:51 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsVirgo
21 Oct 202507:26 GMTConjunction of Mercury and MarsLibra
23 Oct 202514:29 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsLibra
12 Nov 202518:41 GMTConjunction of Mercury and MarsScorpius
21 Nov 202512:30 GMTConjunction of the Moon and MarsOphiuchus
30 Nov 202510:09 GMTMars at apogeeOphiuchus

Source to In-the-Sky.org (Dominic Ford)



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