Terra on the Moon
The continental areas between the seas were given comparable
names by GiovanniBattista Riccioli, but were opposite the names used for the seas.
Thus there were the lands of sterility (Terra Sterilitatis), heat (Terra Caloris), and liveliness (Terra Vitae).
However these names for the highland regions are no longer used on recent maps,
and Terrae are not officially recognised as standard lunar nomenclature
by the International Astronomical Union.
Latin Name / English Name / Latitude Longitude / Diameter km / miles
- Insula – Ventorum / Island of Winds /
- Peninsula Fulminu – Peninsula of Thunder / Between Mare Humorum and Oceanus Procellarum.
- Terra Caloris – Land of Heat / Southwest rim of the near side.
- Terra Fertilitatis – Land of Fertility / Southeastern rim of the near side.
- Terra Grandinis – Land of Hail / Northeast border of Mare Imbrium.
- Terra Manna – Land of Manna / Region between Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Nectaris.
- Terra Niuiu (Terra Nivium) – Land of Snows / Southeast border of Mare Imbrium.
- Terra Pruin – Land of Frost / Northwest border of Mare Imbrium.
- Terra Sanitatis – Land of Healthiness / Central region between Mare Nubium and Mare Tranquillitatis.
- Terra Siccitatis – Land of Dryness / Northwest rim of the near side.
- Terra Sterilitatis – Land of Sterility /
- Terra Vigoris – Land of Cheerfulness / Region southeast of Mare Crisium.
- Terra Vit – Land of Liveliness / Northeast rim of the near side.
Moon Map – Lists of features
The Moon’s surface is covered in many interesting geological features,
in addition to mountains, valleys and craters.
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