Image Credit: Derek Rowley
Messier 31 – Andromeda Galaxy
Astronomers sometimes call the Andromeda Galaxy by the name Messier 31, or M31.
It was the 31st on a famous list of fuzzy sky objects compiled by the French astronomer Charles Messier (1730-1817) – his catalog listed “objects to avoid” when comet-hunting.
Messier catalogue
It comprises nearly all of the most spectacular examples of the four types of deep-sky object:- nebulae, open & globular clusters, and galaxies – visible from European latitudes.
Messier Objects: M1 thru M110 (110 objects) |
Messier by Open Clusters (30 objects) |
Messier by Globular Clusters (29 objects) |
Messier by Galaxies (41 objects) |
Messier by Planetary Nebulae (4 objects) |
Messier by Supernova Remnant (1 object) |
Messier by Reflection Nebula (1 objects) |
Messier by HII Regions (clouds of ionized hydrogen) (1 object) |
Messier by Asterism (1 object) |
Messier by Star (1 object) |
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Messier Objects by Constellation
To view the Messier objects by constellation from In-The-Sky website by Dominic Ford.
- Andromeda (star hooping map: M31 / M32 / M110)
- Antlia
- Apus
- Aquarius (M2 / M72 / M73)
- Aquila
- Ara
- Aries
- Auriga (M36 / M37 / M38)
- Bootes
- Caelum
- Camelopardalis
- Cancer (M44 / M67)
- Canes Venatici (M3 / M51 / M63 / M94 / M106)
- Canis Major (M41)
- Canis Minor
- Capricornus (M30)
- Carina
- Cassiopeia (M52 / M103)
- Centaurus
- Cepheus
- Cetus (M77)
- Chamaeleon
- Circinus
- Columba
- Coma Berenices (M53 / M64 / M85 / M88 / M91 / M98 / M99 / M100)
- Corona Austrina
- Corona Borealis
- Corvus
- Crater
- Crux
- Cygnus (M29 / M39)
- Delphinus
- Dorado
- Draco (M102)
- Equuleus
- Eridanus
- Fornax
- Gemini (M35)
- Grus
- Hercules (M13 / M92)
- Horologium
- Hydra (M48 / M68 / M83)
- Hydrus
- Indus
- Lacerta
- Leo (M65 / M66 / M95 / M96 / M105)
- Leo Minor
- Lepus (M79)
- Libra
- Lupus
- Lynx
- Lyra (M56 / M57)
- Mensa
- Microscopium
- Monoceros (M50)
- Musca
- Norma
- Octans
- Ophiuchus (M9 / M10 / M12 / M14 / M19 / M62)
- Orion (M42 / M43 / M78)
- Pavo
- Pegasus (M15)
- Perseus (M34 / M76)
- Phoenix
- Pictor
- Pisces (M74) / (star hopping: map)
- Sagitta (M71) / (star hopping: map)
- Sagittarius (M8 / M17 / M18 / M20 / M21 / M22 / M23 / M25 / M28 / M54/ M55 / M69 / M70 / M75)
- Scorpius (M4 / M6 / M7 / M80)
- Sculptor
- Scutum (M11 / M26)
- Serpens Caput (M5)
- Serpens Cauda (M16)
- Sextans
- Taurus (M1 / M45)
- Telescopium
- Triangulum (M33)
- Triangulum Australe
- Tucana
- Ursa Major (M81 / M82 / M97 / M101 / M108 / M109)
- Ursa Minor
- Vela
- Virgo (M49 / M58 / M59 / M60 / M61 / M84 /M86 / M87 / M89 / M90 / M104)
- Volans
- Vulpecula (M27)
Other Deep Sky Objects
Abell – Abell Catalog | |
ARP – Arp’s Catalog | |
B – Barnard | |
C – Caldwell | |
Cr – Collinder | |
IC – Index Catalogue | |
M – Messier | |
Mel – Melotte | |
NGC – New General Catalogue | |
SH2 – Sharpless | |
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