Abbreviation: And
English Name: The Chained Maiden
Genitive: Alpheratz
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Location: Between the constellations of Cassiopeia and Pegasus.
Visible between latitudes: +90 and -40 degrees
Best season: Autumn
Seen in three seasons: Summer, Autumn & Winter
Best seen in: October/November
Seen between: August and December
Right Ascension (RA): 01 hour
Declination (DEC): +40 degrees
Area (square degrees): 772 (19th)
Andromeda (The Chained Maiden)
- A large constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, adjoining the Square of Pegasus (The Winged Horse).
- The main stars lie in a line leading away from Pegasus, and the star Alpha Andromedae (Sirrah or Alpheratz, mag 2.1) actually forms one corner of the Square.
- The most famous object in the constellation is the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31).
Messier Objects in Andromeda
- M31 – The Andromeda Galaxy (Spiral Galaxy)
- M32 – Satellite galaxy of The Andromeda Galaxy(Elliptical Galaxy)
- M110 – Satellite galaxy of Andromeda (Elliptical Galaxy)
Other objects in Andromeda
- 149x objects: New General Catalogue (NGC)
- 26x objects: Index Catalogue (IC)
- 3x objects: Collinder Catalog (Cr)
Features of Interest
- The Open Cluster NGC752 is an easy binocular object, and NGC 7662 is a planetary nebula for small telescopes.
Brightest Objects in Andromeda
- Open Clusters / Globular Clusters / Galaxies
Named Stars
- Alpheratz (Alpha And)
- Mirach (Beta And)
- Almaak (Gamma 1 And)
- Adhil (Xi And)
- Photo of the constellation; Andromeda, as it appears to the naked eye. (Lines have been added for clarity.)
- Sky Chart Andromeda
- List of stars in Andromeda
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