Abbreviation: Â Pav
English Name: Â The Peacock
Genitive:Â PeacockÂ
Hemisphere:Â Southern Hemisphere.
Location:Â Between the constellations of Indus and Triangulum Australe.
Visible between latitudes: Â +15 and -90 degrees
Best season: Summer
Seen in three seasons:Â Spring, Summer & Autumn.
Best seen in:Â During the middle of August.
Seen between:Â July and September.
Right Ascension (RA):Â 20 hour
Declination (DEC):Â -65 degrees
Area (square degrees): Â 378 (44th)
Pavo  (The Peacock)
- Kappa Pavonis is a yellow-white supergiant that ranges between magnitude +3.9 and +4.8 every 9 days and 2 hours.
- Pavo is the radiant of an annual meteor showers – the Delta Pavonids. Â Appearing from 21st March to 8th April; the peak is around between 5th and 6th April every year.
Messier Objects
- No Messier objects in Pavo.
Features of Interest
- NGC 6752 Â – Â Globular Cluster; just visible to the naked-eye, a 3-inch telescope will resolve some individual stars.
- NGC 6744  –  Spiral Galaxy; it’s considered one of the most  Milky-Way-like galaxy.  (A Supernova was discovered in this galaxy in 2005.)
Named Stars
- Peacock  (Alpha Pavonis – magnitude: +1.9)
- Photo of the constellation;Â Pavo, as it appears to the naked eye. (Lines have been added for clarity.)
- Sky Chart  –  Pavo
- List of stars in Pavo.
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