Abbreviation: Â Tue
English Name: Â The Toucan
Genitive:Â Tucanae
Hemisphere:Â Â Southern Hemisphere
Location:Â Between the constellations of Eridanus and Pavo.
Visible between latitudes: Â +15 and -90 degrees
Best season: Autumn
Seen in three seasons:Â Summer, Autumn & Winter
Best seen in:Â During the laste week of October.
Seen between:Â September and Early December
Right Ascension (RA):Â 00 hour
Declination (DEC):Â -65 degrees
Area (square degrees): Â 295 (48th)
Tucana  (The Toucan)
- Far southern constellation and close to the most notable naked-eye object – Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and the superb Globular Cluster – 47 Tucanae (NGC 104).
- There are a number of galaxies but these are faint due the concentration feeble gas and dust in our galaxy (Milky-Way).
Messier Objects
- No Messier objects in Tacana.
Features of Interest
- Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC) Â – Â Irregular Galaxy; satellite of our Milky-Way, sometimes known as `Nubecula Minor`. Â It has less dust and more gas than the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), but fewer clusters and nebulae, also really easily to visible to the naked-eye (Magnitude: +2.0). (In the photo, SMC is shown on the right, on the left – LMC.)
- 47 Tuc  –  Globular Cluster; also known as NGC 104 and Caldwell 106 (C106), very high concentration of stars – very bright and large; dimly visible to the naked-eye. Absolutely, remarkable object! (Magnitude: +4.0).
Named Stars
- Kappa Tucanae is a group of four stars: two binary stars.
- Photo of the constellation;Â Tucana, as it appears to the naked eye. (Lines have been added for clarity.)
- Sky Chart  –  Tucana
- List of stars in Tucana.
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