Mercury’s inferior conjunction in 2025 occurred on 24th March – this means that Mercury passed between the Earth and the Sun, making it not visible to the naked eye.
Mercury’s inferior conjunction in 2025 occurred on 24th March – this means that Mercury passed between the Earth and the Sun, making it not visible to the naked eye.
Venus reaches its inferior solar conjunction, passing between Earth and the Sun, and transitioning from an evening to a ‘Morning Star’.
The spring equinox in 2025 will take place today at 09:01am (usually around 23rd March) – day and night will be nearly equal in length as the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north. It marks the official start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
How to sign equinox in BSL?
Neptune will pass close to the Sun in the sky as its orbit carries it around the far side of the solar system from the Earth.
How to sign Neptune in BSL?
Fact about the Porrima star system consists of six planets and fifteen moons – it provides an exciting setting for exploration in the vastness of space.
Venus and Mercury will share the same right ascension tonight – the pair will be too widely separated to fit within the field of view of a telescope or pair of binoculars, but will be visible to the naked eye.
How to sign conjunction in BSL?
Partial Lunar Eclipse in the UK
(All times shown above are given in Milton Keynes)
Begins: 03:57am
– the Earth’s penumbra start touching the Moon’s face.
Maximum: 6.20am
– this is the moment when the eclipse reaches its greatest magnitude while the entire Moon is above the horizon in Milton Keynes. The true maximum point of this eclipse cannot be seen in Milton Keynes because the Moon is below the horizon at that time.
Ends 06:22am
– below horizon.
The eclipse will be visible any location where the Moon is above the horizon at the time, including from the Americas, Antarctica, Alaska, north-eastern Russia and Africa.
How to sign eclipse in BSL?
Planetary conjunction – for observers in the British Isles, the best time to look for Mercury is about 45 minutes after sunset, to ensure success, you will need to find a location that offers a level horizon due west unobstructed by houses or trees.
Click above the photo for enlarge to see a Mercury there.
Mercury at highest altitude – this mean Mercury will reach its greatest elongation east, its farthest point from the Sun, for the first time in 2025 on Saturday 8th March as it’s an eastern elongation this will be best seen in the evening.