Abbreviation: Â Equ
English Name: Â TheLittle Horse
Genitive:Â Kitalpha
Hemisphere:Â Â Northern Hemisphere
Location:Â Between the constellations of Pegasus and Delphinus.
Visible between latitudes: Â +90 and -70 degrees
Best season: Autumn
Seen in three seasons:Â Summer, Autumn & Winter
Best seen in:Â September
Seen between:Â July and November
Right Ascension (RA):Â 21 hour
Declination (DEC):Â Â +10 degrees
Area (square degrees): Â 72Â (87th)
Equuleus (The Little Horse)
- The second smallest constellation in the sky, and contains no notable deep sky objects – due to its small size and its distance from the plane of the Milky Way.
- Some very faint galaxies between magnitudes +13.0 and +15.0 including four objects of NGC. (See below.)
Messier Objects
- NGC 7015 – faint spiral galaxy; fairly small, slightly elongated – weak concentration (Magnitude: +12.4).
- NGC 7040 – faint galaxy; fairly small, diffuse oval (Magnitude: +14.0).
- NGC 7045 – double star; the first IC notes “7045 is not a nebula, but only a couple of very faint stars close together.
- NGC 7046 -Â barred spiral galaxy; weak concentration, fairly small, slightly elongated (Magnitude: +13.0).
Named Stars
- Kitalpha (Alpha Equ) – yellow star (magnitude: +3.9).
- Photo of the constellation; Equuleus, as it appears to the naked eye. (Lines have been added for clarity.)
- Sky Chart  –  Equuleus
- List of stars in Equuleus.
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