2024 Venus Events

08 Jan 202420:12 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusOphiuchus
17 Jan 202402:15 GMTConjunction of Venus and CeresOphiuchus
07 Feb 202418:52 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
18 Feb 202403:30 GMTConjunction of Venus and PlutoCapricornus
22 Feb 202409:46 GMTClose approach of Venus and MarsCapricornus
22 Feb 202415:31 GMTConjunction of Venus and MarsCapricornus
08 Mar 202417:00 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusCapricornus
19 Mar 202418:30 GMTVenus at aphelionAquarius
21 Mar 202423:15 GMTClose approach of Venus and SaturnAquarius
22 Mar 202401:59 GMTConjunction of Venus and SaturnAquarius
03 Apr 202411:53 GMTConjunction of Venus and NeptunePisces
07 Apr 202417:18 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusPisces
07 Apr 202417:18 GMTLunar occultation of VenusPisces
07 Apr 202417:38 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusPisces
04 Jun 202417:03 GMTVenus at superior solar conjunctionTaurus
10 Jul 202412:44 GMTVenus at perihelionCancer
05 Aug 202423:03 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusLeo
06 Aug 202416:21 GMTConjunction of Venus and MercuryLeo
05 Sep 202409:59 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusVirgo
05 Sep 202409:59 GMTLunar occultation of VenusVirgo
05 Sep 202411:16 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusVirgo
05 Oct 202419:00 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusLibra
05 Oct 202421:26 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusLibra
30 Oct 202416:03 GMTVenus at aphelionOphiuchus
04 Nov 202423:42 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusOphiuchus
05 Nov 202400:16 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusOphiuchus
04 Dec 202422:41 GMTConjunction of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
04 Dec 202423:44 GMTClose approach of the Moon and VenusSagittarius
08 Dec 202401:48 GMTConjunction of Venus and PlutoCapricornus
09 Dec 202401:34 GMTConjunction of Venus and CeresCapricornus
According to In-the-Sky.org (Dominic Ford