Abbreviation: Ant |
English Name: The Air Pump |
Genitive: Antliae |
Hemisphere: Southern Hemisphere (Parts visible from the UK.) |
Location: Between the constellations of Hydra and Vela. |
Visible between latitudes: +45 and -90 degrees |
Best season: Spring |
Seen in three seasons: Winter, Spring and Summer |
Best seen in: April (map) |
Seen between: February and April |
Right Ascension (RA): 10 hour |
Declination (DEC): -35 degrees |
Area (square degrees): 239 (62nd) |
Antlia (The Air Pump)
- A small southern constellation representing an air pump, added to the sky by the French astronomer; Abbe Nicolas de Lacaille.
o - He had the great honour of naming 15 of the 88 constellations in the sky.
o - He spent four years (1750-1754) studying the stars of the southern hemisphere from the Cape of Good Hope – the southernmost part of Africa. (259 years later in 2013; a single deaf sailor – Gerry Hughes, had sailed passed there from Troon, Scotland to around the world!)
o - In Abbe’s years there, he was said to have observed over 10,000 stars using just his 1/2-inch refractor telescope.
o - Lacaille named the following southern constellations; Antlia, Caelum, Circinus, Fornax, Horologium, Mensa, Microscopium, Norma, Octans, Pictor, Pyxis, Reticulum, Sculptor and Telescopium.
o - He also renamed the constellation of Musca.
Messier Objects in Antlia
No Messier in Antlia |
Other objects in Antlia
Select Catalog | No of Objects |
Barnard (B) | 0x object |
Caldwell (C) | 0x object |
Collinder (Cr) | 0x object |
New General Catalogue (NGC) | 49x objects |
Index Catalogue (IC) | 43x objects |
Sharpless (Sh2) | 0x object |
Features of Interest
- It has no star brighter than magnitude +4.3.
o - The brightest star is Alpha Antliae (Mag: +4.3).
Named Stars
- Alpheratz (Alpha And)
- Mirach (Beta And)
- Almaak (Gamma 1 And)
- Adhil (Xi And)
- more list of stars in Antlia
Planetarium / Constellation Map
Live constellation visible from the UK :- Planetarium (Antlia) | Best Seen in: April (map) | Seen between: February and April |
IAU Sky Chart: Antlia
Constellations – Visible from the UK
Parts visible from the UK
Antlia | Columba | Eridanus | Fornax | Microscopium | ||
Piscis Austrinus | Puppis | Pyxis | Sagittarius | Scorpius | ||
Sculptor |
Constellations: Southern Celestial Hemisphere
…..– never seen from the UK
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