Good news for the deaf people

Live subtitles – that’s fantastic to hear
It’s heartening to see steps being taken
to make such events more inclusive.
For the first time, they provided live subtitles for the talks, making the event more accessible to a wider deaf audience, featuring 16 talks from leading astronomers and space scientists took place the weekend of 7th & 8th February 2025 at the conference hall – watch this space for next year (Friday 6th & Saturday 8th February 2026).

It was a great day to place the European AstroFest in London, most of deaf astronomers have considered coming along to see me for the guide, and they have made up to purchase their new equipment such as AM5N, SeeStar S50, filters and others.
Even if some don’t buy at the show, leaving a lasting impression is considering future purchasing decisions and when they are ready for that next purchase that is what the place is for.
Next one will be held at Practical Astro Show in Warwickshire on Saturday 15th March 2025, click here for more information.