
Free Constellations Clipart

Abbreviation: Â For
English Name: Â The Furnace / (Originally named Fornax Chemica.)
Genitive:Â Fornacis
Hemisphere:  Southern Hemisphere  (Parts visible from the UK.)
Location:Â Between the constellations of Caelum and Sculptor.
Visible between latitudes: Â +50 and -90 degrees
Best season: Winter
Seen in three seasons:Â Autumn, Winter and Spring
Best seen in:  Early December
Seen between:Â November and January
Right Ascension (RA):Â Â 03 hour
Declination (DEC):  -30 degrees
Area (square degrees): Â 398 (41st)

Fornax (The Furnace)

  • Non-featured constellation in an unremarkable field in the sky.

Messier Objects

  • No Messier objects in Fornax.

Features of Interest

  • NGC 1097 – barred spiral galaxy, also known as Caldwell 67 (C67), is a Seyfert galaxy – class of galaxies which have extremely bright showing strong emission lines; see the photo for an example – very bright core, very bright, very large, very elongated.
  • NGC 1097 has two satellite galaxies - Dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 1097A is attached at the end.
  • Three explosion supernovae stars have been observed in NGC 1097.

Named Stars

  • Fornacis (Alpha For)


  • Photo of the constellation;Â Fornax, as it appears to the naked eye. (Lines have been added for clarity.)
  • Sky Chart  –  Fornax
  • List of stars in Fornax.

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