Milton Keynes Deaf Astronomical Society


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(Founded 2003)

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AstroFest, London (Friday 7th February 2025)

We travelled to London for AstroFest for the astronomy exhibition and met other deaf astronomers from Hertfordshire Deaf Astronomical Society and Birmingham Deaf Astronomical Society. Some of them have bought their new telescopes and other accessories – see the post & more photos.

Northern Lights (Monday 7th thru Thursday 10th October 2024)

Three nights rows to spot the Northern Lights on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Thursday 10th October 2024 to reach over North Norfolk.

Running trip to British Deaf Astronomical Association at Kelling Heath, North Norfolk

Running trip to British Deaf Astronomical Association at Kelling Heath, North Norfolk
(Monday 30th September – Monday 7th October 2024)

Lightroom, The Moonwalkers (Sunday 2nd June 2004)

Lightroom, The Moonwalkers (Sunday 2nd June 2004)

MKDAS in Lightroom. (Photo – Derek Rowley)

With a permission video recorded in the Lightroom by Derek Rowley.

The Moonwalkers
Lightroom’s largest projection showed a behind-the-scenes experience unique perspective on humankind’s past the stories of the Apollo missions, and to the future (Artemis).

A photo of Orion viewing Earth and the Moon from lunar orbit during the Artemis I mission.(Photo: NASA)

Only 12 of astronauts have travelled to Earth to walk on Moon’s surface – now an international team of astronauts and engineers are taking humankind back to the Moon on the Artemis program.


Lightroom – The Moonwalkers
15 deaf were attended at the 3pm show, we found it amazing and impressive that they provided a full access by multiply BSL & subtitles provided full surrounded the screens to allow us browsing anyway.

(See more photos)



Northern Lights (Friday 10th May 2024)

The high activity Northern Lights has reached over Milton Keynes area on the late night of Friday 10th May 2024.

Green Aurora
Louis used handheld iphone to capture the green colour skies at Bedford, Bedfordshire in the light pollution (Class 6 Bortle).

(Photo by Louis Francis, MKDAS)

Purple Aurora Borealis background
I went just outside of Milton Keynes. The colours of an aurora correspond to the type and altitude of the element that is excited in Earth’s atmosphere, so here the nitrogen atoms below 120 miles can glow pink or purple.

See more photos – Northern Lights at Milton Keynes by Derek Rowley

(Above photo by Orion Rowley, MKDAS)


The aurora lit up the skies in Luton, I always want to go Norway for Northern Lights but it was hard to see through my eyes but the camera captured well from my home – Really amazing!

(Photo by Don Andrews, MKDAS)



Practical Astronomy Show (Saturday 23rd March 2024)

Practical Astronomy Show
We arrived the PAS brought the leading astronomy, the show was free to attend with free parking.

Dual dovetail holder
I bought a holder for my two telescopes on the mount, hopefully it works great.

(See more photos)


Astro Fest, London (Friday 2nd February 2024)

Some of us went to London for the AstroFest Exhibition – the largest of its kind in Europe.

Over 30 companies and organisations were displayed their goods and services. There were 14 deaf astronomers together to catch up their experience and exchanged information. Then afterwards we went to have some dinner at the nearby the pub.

(See more photos)

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