Abbreviations: | Constellation: | English name: |
And | Andromeda | The Chained Maiden |
Ant | Antlia | The Air Pump |
Aps | Apus | The Bird of Paradise |
Aqr | Aquarius | The Water Bearer |
Aql | Aquila | The Eagle |
Ara | Ara | The Altar |
Ari | Aries | The Ram |
Aur | Auriga | The Charioteer |
Boo | Boötes | The Herdsmans |
Cae | Caelum | The Chisel |
Cam | Camelopardalis | The Giraffe |
Cnc | Cancer | The Crab |
CVn | Canes Venatici | The Hunting Dogs |
CMa | Canis Major | The Great Dogs |
CMi | Canis Minor | The Little Dog |
Cap | Capricornus | The Sea Goat |
Car | Carina | The Keel |
Cas | Cassiopeia | The Cassiopeia Queen |
Cen | Centaurus | The Centaur |
Cep | Cepheus | The Cepheus King |
Cet | Cetus | The Whales |
Cha | Chameleon | The Chamaeleon |
Cir | Circinus | The Drawing Compass |
Col | Columba | The Dove |
Com | Coma Berenices | The Berenice’s Hair |
CrA | Corona Australis | The Southern Crown |
CrB | Corona Borealis | The Northern Crown |
Crv | Corvus | The Crow |
Crt | Crater | The Cup |
Cru | Crux | The Southern Cross |
Cyg | Cygnus | The Swan |
Del | Delphinus | The Dolphin |
Dor | Dorado | The Goldfish |
Dra | Draco | The Dragon |
Equ | Equuleus | The Little Horse |
Eri | Eridanus | The River |
For | Fornax | The Furnace |
Gem | Gemini | The Twin |
Gru | Grus | The Crane |
Her | Hercules | The Hercules |
Hor | Horologium | The Pendulum Clock |
Hya | Hydra | The Water Snake |
Hyi | Hydrus | The Southern Water Snake |
Ind | Indus | The Indian |
Lac | Lacerta | The Lizard |
Leo | Leo | The Lion |
LMi | Leo Minor | The Little Lion |
Lep | Lepus | The Hare |
Lib | Libra | The Scales |
Lup | Lupus | The Wolf |
Lyn | Lynx | The Lynx |
Lyr | Lyra | The Lyra |
Men | Mensa | The Table Mountain |
Mic | Microscopium | The Microscope |
Mon | Monoceros | The Unicorn |
Mus | Musca | The Fly |
Nor | Norma | The Square Level |
Oct | Octans | The Octant |
Oph | Ophiuchus | The Serpent Holder |
Ori | Orion | The Hunter |
Pav | Pavo | The Peacock |
Peg | Pegasus | The Winged Horse |
Per | Perseus | The Hero |
Phe | Phoenix | The Phoenix |
Pic | Pictor | The Painter’s Easel |
Psc | Pisces | The Fishes |
PsA | Piscis Austrinus | The Southern Fishes |
Pup | Puppis | The Stern |
Pyx | Pyxis | The Compass |
Ret | Reticulum | The Reticle Net |
Sge | Sagitta | The Arrow |
Sgr | Sagittarius | The Archer |
Sco | Scorpius | The Scorpion |
Scl | Sculptor | The Sculptor |
Sct | Scutum | The Shield |
Ser | Serpens Caput | The Snake’s Head |
Ser | Serpens Cauda | The Snake’s Tail |
Sex | Sextans | The Sextants |
Tau | Taurus | The Bull |
Tel | Telescopium | The Telescope |
Tri | Triangulum | The Triangle |
TrA | Triangulum Australe | The Southern Triangle |
Tuc | Tucana | The Toucan |
UMa | Ursa Major | The Great Bear |
UMi | Ursa Minor | The Little Bear |
Vel | Vela | The Sails |
Vir | Virgo | The Virgin |
Vol | Volans | The Flying Fish |
Vul | Vulpecula | The Fox |
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