Abbreviations & Constellation Names



Abbreviations:Constellation:English name:
AndAndromedaThe Chained Maiden
AntAntliaThe Air Pump
ApsApusThe Bird of Paradise
AqrAquariusThe Water Bearer
AqlAquilaThe Eagle
AraAraThe Altar
AriAriesThe Ram
AurAurigaThe Charioteer
BooBoötesThe Herdsmans
CaeCaelumThe Chisel
CamCamelopardalisThe Giraffe
CncCancerThe Crab
CVnCanes VenaticiThe Hunting Dogs
CMaCanis MajorThe Great Dogs
CMiCanis MinorThe Little Dog
CapCapricornusThe Sea Goat
CarCarinaThe Keel
CasCassiopeiaThe Cassiopeia Queen
CenCentaurusThe Centaur
CepCepheusThe Cepheus King
CetCetusThe Whales
ChaChameleonThe Chamaeleon
CirCircinusThe Drawing Compass
ColColumbaThe Dove
ComComa BerenicesThe Berenice’s Hair
CrACorona AustralisThe Southern Crown
CrBCorona BorealisThe Northern Crown
CrvCorvusThe Crow
CrtCraterThe Cup
CruCruxThe Southern Cross
CygCygnusThe Swan
DelDelphinusThe Dolphin
DorDoradoThe Goldfish
DraDracoThe Dragon
EquEquuleusThe Little Horse
EriEridanusThe River
ForFornaxThe Furnace
GemGeminiThe Twin
GruGrusThe Crane
HerHerculesThe Hercules
HorHorologiumThe Pendulum Clock
HyaHydraThe Water Snake
HyiHydrusThe Southern Water Snake
IndIndusThe Indian
LacLacertaThe Lizard
LeoLeoThe Lion
LMiLeo MinorThe Little Lion
LepLepusThe Hare
LibLibraThe Scales
LupLupusThe Wolf
LynLynxThe Lynx
LyrLyraThe Lyra
MenMensaThe Table Mountain
MicMicroscopiumThe Microscope
MonMonocerosThe Unicorn
MusMuscaThe Fly
NorNormaThe Square Level
OctOctansThe Octant
OphOphiuchusThe Serpent Holder
OriOrionThe Hunter
PavPavoThe Peacock
PegPegasusThe Winged Horse
PerPerseusThe Hero
PhePhoenixThe Phoenix
PicPictorThe Painter’s Easel
PscPiscesThe Fishes
PsAPiscis AustrinusThe Southern Fishes
PupPuppisThe Stern
PyxPyxisThe Compass
RetReticulumThe Reticle Net
SgeSagittaThe Arrow
SgrSagittariusThe Archer
ScoScorpiusThe Scorpion
SclSculptorThe Sculptor
SctScutumThe Shield
SerSerpens CaputThe Snake’s Head
SerSerpens CaudaThe Snake’s Tail
SexSextansThe Sextants
TauTaurusThe Bull
TelTelescopiumThe Telescope
TriTriangulumThe Triangle
TrATriangulum AustraleThe Southern Triangle
TucTucanaThe Toucan
UMaUrsa MajorThe Great Bear
UMiUrsa MinorThe Little Bear
VelVelaThe Sails
VirVirgoThe Virgin
VolVolansThe Flying Fish
VulVulpeculaThe Fox
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) divided the celestial sphere into 88 precisely defined constellations with official spellings and abbreviations.




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